Select Your Ideal
Career Growth Plan

Unlock your full career potential with our tailored pricing plans. Whether you’re seeking a quick boost or a comprehensive journey, our diverse range of packages is designed to fit every step of your career path. From crafting standout resumes to mastering job offer negotiations, select the plan that aligns with your ambitions and budget. Explore our options below and embark on a journey to career excellence with Career Genius.
Career Kickstart
Start your 7-day Free trial today
Gain unlimited access to AI-powered resume building, cover letter generation, interview prep, job tracking, and salary negotiation assistant for one week.

Ideal for a quick and powerful job search solution.
Unlimited AI-powered Resumes & Cover Letters
Unlimited AI-powered Interview Prep
Unlimited AI-powered Job Offer Negotiations
Real-time Job & Contacts Tracker
Priority Email Support ❤️
Auto Apply to Jobs (Coming Soon)
Job Search Engine (Coming Soon)
Thank You Note & Follow-Up Email Generator (Coming Soon)
Get Started
Career Progression
Start your 7-day Free trial today
Get unlimited access to AI-powered resume & cover letter builders, interview prep, salary negotiation assistant, and real-time job/contact tracking for a month.

Perfect for a thorough job search and career advancement.
Unlimited AI-powered Resumes & Cover Letters
Unlimited AI-powered Interview Prep
Unlimited AI-powered Job Offer Negotiations
Real-time Job & Contacts Tracker
Priority Email Support ❤️
Auto Apply to Jobs (Coming Soon)
Job Search Engine (Coming Soon)
Thank You Note & Follow-Up Email Generator (Coming Soon)
Get Started
Career Transformation
Start your 7-day Free trial today
Get unlimited access to AI-powered resume and cover letter builders, interview prep, job offer negotiations, salary negotiation assistant, & real-time job/contact tracking for three months.

Perfect for a comprehensive and long-term job search strategy.
Unlimited AI-powered Resumes & Cover Letters
Unlimited AI-powered Interview Prep
Unlimited AI-powered Job Offer Negotiations
Real-time Job & Contacts Tracker
Priority Email Support ❤️
Auto Apply to Jobs (Coming Soon)
Job Search Engine (Coming Soon)
Thank You Note & Follow-Up Email Generator (Coming Soon)
Get Started

frequently asked questions

Got questions? Find answers to the most popular questions from our users below.
How do I get started with Career Genius?
Do you offer any guides or tutorials for new users?
Who do I contact for customer support?
How long does the typical onboarding process take?
How much does the tool cost?
Is there a free trial available?
What payment methods do you accept?
What discounts are available for long-term subscriptions?
What happens if I cancel my subscription?
How do you ensure the security of my data?
Do you sell or share user data to third parties?
Where and how is my data stored?
Is the tool compliant with data protection regulations?
Can I export or delete my data from the tool?